Thursday, July 30, 2009

Doing summer things

I think that in summer you have to do at least this: Be near water as often you can, eat so much strawberries you possibly can, and see as much art you possibly can . And do all that together with your family. We did all that on our small vacation, here are some pictures

Being together :)
Seeing art :) Upper pictures piece is by Eero Hiironen, lower Pekka Parviainen
Eating strawberries and relaxing

Being near water, and feeding ducks that's a must too :)

Now I am back to work again, winter collection has been printed, and I should get the cards today, yay!


  1. Miten ihania tunnelmallisia kuvia!!

  2. Kiitos Niina! Nämä ovat aviomiehen otoksia, joka on harrastanut valokuvausta enemmän ja vähemmän nuoresta asti. Itse olen aloittanut kuvaamaan vasta tänä vuonna, oikeesti!! :)
